Many people have cured themselves from "incurable" diseases and what they all have in common is one thing - removal of processed, unhealthy foods and intake of only highly nutritional foods. All of the stories below have inspired me in some way and helped me in my difficult times, gave me information or hope when I needed them most.

LILY BANA - cured herself from chronic eczema, psoriasis and allergies 
by changing her diet to a high raw vegan diet.

CLARISSE DOMINGUE - cured herself from breast cancer
She had 4 tumors in her breasts, one being cancer. She went on a high raw vegan diet (80% raw 20% cooked) and shortly her caner was gone! She also noticed a big reduction of her other tumors. She also sleeps better now and is in a far greater health than before!

DONIA ALAWI - cured herself from chronic eczema
"...I knew that I wasn't capable of doing a 100% juicing only program, because resolution wise, I wasn't that strong! So, I decided to rely on a modified daily program of two meals consisting of organic fruit smoothies and organic juiced vegetables and one cooked meal. I was amazed to see incredible healing results that became more and more visible each week. By the sixth month, I no longer had any eczema on my legs. The juicing combined with the whole food supplements had clearly created a most amazing eczema healing diet and experience. "

SHIRLEY - cured heself from chronic eczema and psoriasis
" I suffered miserably for 49 years from this horrible disease which totally debilitated me. No creams, potions, salves, cortisone or anything else cured my condition. It wasn't until I turned 50 that I finally discovered how to heal my skin by igniting my own internal healing force...... I credit my healing to a combination of approach: homeopathy, omega-3 fatty acids, natural raw food diet and juice, nutritional supplements and detoxification, tea, uropathy, and herbal remedies. This is my story..."

VICTORIA BOUTENKO - her whole family cured themselves from diabetes 1, obesity, arthritis, asthma, allergies, fatigue, hyper thyroid…
"...We went on this radical raw food diet out of complete despair when our medical doctors didn’t leave us any chances to recover from our horrible illnesses. I decided that we had to take different action if we wanted to get different results. On raw food diet, our health was improving so quickly that in three and a half months all four of us ran the Bolder Boulder 10K road race with 40,000 other runners."

He cured himself by following SCD diet, a special carbohydrates diet. List of SCD foods here.

ESME STEVENS - cured herself from cancer, diabetes, allergies, etc
"...All her nutritional research kept leading to one best diet: a well balanced and alkaline raw food diet. So she started on a raw uncooked diet. And every day she'd feel better and more energetic than the day before. In the following months the doctor called that her cancer was gone, then her diabetes..."

EVITA RAMPARTE - cured herself from ovarian cancer in only 4 months!
"...She removed all toxic relationships and toxic food from her life and embarked on a raw food diet she heard so much about. She also began to meditate and really take care of herself. 4 months later her cancer was gone!..."

JAY KORDICH - he was cured from bladder cancer by Dr Max Gerson (see upper page Holistic Doctors) thru' juicing. 
Now Mr Kordich is 89 or 90 years old, he is on raw vegan diet, he juices every day and just see his vitality! On this video he is 80 years old.

LOU CORONA - he had brain tumor, asthma, arthriits, ache, etc
Dan McDonald is interviewing Lou on his health (or lack of it) throughout his life. When he was 21 he got more and more sick, until he was at a death bed. Then everything changed.
He met a man who helped him and taught him how to eat and live and in 6 months ALL of his symptoms were gone! He eats living foods and drinks green juices!

CHRIS CARLTON - cured himself from chronic sinus infections and obesity
"...My travels took me to California and there I became a vegetarian. 2 months later I went vegan. I just kept improving my diet and getting more active. In 2003, a woman who told me about 'Raw Food' and fed me my first 'Raw' meal. I was hooked. I knew that my new goal was to go 'Raw'. All in all, I've lost 165 pounds (75kg), but even better than that I've got something I never had before - I am healthy! Really healthy! I haven't been sick in three years. My blood pressure is normal and my cholesterol is 2.5 UK (below 100 US)."

JOE CROSS - cured himself from chronic urticaria and high blood pressure
He was on pills with steroids (which suppress the immune system but do not cure anything) for 8 years, he was over weight, he had a high blood pressure and one day he decided (after a detailed research into what would be the best way to cleanse the body and lose weight) to go on a juice fast - for 60 days he did not eat anything, only drank fresh green juices, using a cold press juicer. A camera man followed him along his journey. During his journey he not only lost weight, cured himself and threw his pills away, but he also inspired a lot of people and changed lives by changing his own.

I am not familiar with his story, except that he used to be a body builder and used to consume a lot of steroids. He is now 100% raw vegan, his main food is juicing and his health is great. He is passionate about healing of our bodies in a natural way and in this highly inspirational video he speaks about people with prostate cancer who cured themselves by juicing micro nutrients - vegetables and fruit! His website also contains a testimonial page. Worth looking into.

JON CHANDONNET - cured himself from multiple sclerosis

SUSAN - cured herself from multiple sclerosis

JIM JEEVAN-cured himself from high blood pressure, general poor health, medical addictions

WENDI DEE - cured herself from migraines and general poor health

CONQUERING DIABETES - video, trailer following 6 americans who cured themselves from diabetes 2 by going on a raw vegan diet for 30 days

DARLENE NAVARRE - cured herself from chronic digestive problems

PHOTOS BEFORE-AFTER of people going on Raw Vegan Diet and their stories of success

When we include raw food in our diet, our digestive system decreases production of digestive enzymes, which saves it a lot of energy, especially while digesting food. The body can now use that extra energy for other functions. That is one of the reasons why people who went on raw diet begin to heal and sometimes we witness true healings, cures, from degenerative diseases. It seems this happens out of 2 reasons:
1) cooked food and digestive system promote putrefaction and with that more toxins are produced. Raw food promotes less toxins.
2) The body needs less energy for digestion, thus it has extra energy which it can use for cellular maintenance and repair. Optimal Digestive Health Page 236