In my research of the cause of eczema, I learned that there is not one, but many causes of eczema! Eczema can be caused by vaccines, food intolerance (allergies), gallstones, congested liver (improper diet), nutritional deficiency, exposure to external toxins, etc.
However regardless of the cause, the Naturopathic and Holistic doctors they all recommend one and the same treatment - cleansing of the toxins and dietary change - giving the body a high amount of nutrients so that it can repair and regenerate itself. This is also what worked for so many people who cured themselves from eczema and/or other degenerative diseases (see Success Stories). It is what worked for me as well!
I also learned that it is the body's programming, a genetic predisposition to self-healing and repair. All it needs is a clean internal environment and tools with which it can do its job. Those tools are nutrients which we find in whole, organic fruits and vegetables, especially in fresh pressed juice.

 1) The Cause of Eczema and other degenerative diseases
 2) Liver Regeneration
 3) How Digestion Problems can cause Disease Anywhere in the body
 4) Potential Consequences of Poor Digestion
 5) Why We Need Digestive Enzymes 
 6) Why We Need Probiotics 

Dr Gloria Gilbere Phd is homeopath, doctor of natural health, eco-ergonomist, environmental health consultant, investigative health journalist, and internationally renowned for her certificated wholistic skin and body rejuvenation (WSBR) programs for spa and health care professionals.
In this speech she talks about most common causes for eczema, psoriasis and rosacea.
However I do not agree with her regarding rosacea treatment, I am a big supporter of a completely natural approach as practiced by the Gerson Therapy and many others.
I am however pleased to hear such a scholar and health advocate as Gloria to speak about eczema and and shine some light to where so many other professionals have not done so at all!

Pediatrician Dr Jay Gordon MD FAAP , writes about eczema cause and babies here.
Dr H Morrow Brown MD writes about eczema as food allergy here.

From the book "Optimal Digestion":
(arranged by Donia Alawi)
Nutritional Medical physicians believe that most degenerative conditions have their origin in the malfunction of the digestive tract and liver elimination processes.  In other words, illness can be directly related to problems of the digestive and liver detoxification systems and their related influence on immune, nervous and endocrine system functions.  Therefore, when the health of the digestive and liver detoxification systems is addressed, the body is given the opportunity to reverse many degenerative conditions.  If the degenerative condition is labeled lupus, diabetes, or eczema, etc., a Nutritional Medicine doctor will first recommend addressing the health of the gastrointestinal tract.  Once the GI tract is well, then the liver detoxification system should be supported and strengthened.  

Today, through the efforts of Nutritional Medicine, we have hundreds of clinical studies and pieces of scientific research that confirm what many of us have heard so often from folk medicine practitioners: “Stomach problems are the cause of all ills” or “Death begins in the colon.” 

Jeffrey Anderson, M.D., wrote an article called “How Problems with Digestion Can Cause Illness Anywhere(article is added below). In this article he explains why you should address the health of the gastrointestinal tract first, no matter what the name of the degenerative condition.  He explains that “new information on the dynamics of the body make it clear that conditions in the digestive tract affect the entire system” (Nichols, et al., 1999, p.125).  The “...degradation of the gastrointestinal environment is one of the primary points at which health is lost.  What we now know is that the same toxins associated with GI dysfunction are frequently absorbed and distributed to other parts of the body.  First they place a burden on the liver and the immune system.  If liver overload occurs, there will be spill over, and some of the toxins will be passed on to other organs or tissues”  (p. 125).

“Often, it’s a weak link in the system that will be hit by the damage - an organ that can be anywhere in the body that is most likely to be vulnerable.  The vulnerability may be inherited, caused by physical injury, toxic exposure, or poor diet” (p.125).   For example, “if the sensitive system is the lungs, toxins that originate in the gut and circulate in the bloodstream may manifest as asthma or allergies” (p.125). 

Len Saputo, M.D., in his article,”Harmful Flora”, also believes that if the gastrointestinal tract goes out of balance and the liver detoxification system breaks down, our entire immune system can malfunction in three ways.  First, it can be weakened and the result called an immune suppression disease.  Second, it can overreact and become hyper responsive to normal stimuli; this occurs in asthma, migraine, food allergies and eczema.  Third, a malfunctioning immune system can cause auto immune reactions, where antibodies target our own tissues, as in rheumatoid arthritis or lupus (p.60).

Jerry Stine, M.D.,  in his article, “How Digestion Works”,  explains that the gastrointestinal tract is the largest immune organ in our body.  Eighty percent of all our protective immune globulins are produced in the digestive tract (p.16).  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that when this large, strategically placed immune system member isn’t working well, our defenses are lowered and once our barriers are down, it becomes more difficult to defend against invaders.

Nutritional/Functional Medicine Strategies To Reverse Degenerative Conditions:

Nutritional Medicine doctors including the three above mentioned, Dr. Jeffrey Anderson, Dr. Len Saputo and Dr. Jerry Stine, believe that cleansing and supporting the GI tract and the liver can and will clear the body of any and most degenerative conditions.

•    First you detox the GI tract.
•    Then get the liver detox system working.
•    And finally clean up the downstream consequences, which includes the toxins in the tissues and cells.

Nutritional Medicine doctors believe that you can’t deal with the downstream conditions (symptoms in the body such as lupus, arthritis,....etc.), until you’ve treated the upstream problem(s) in the gut and liver (p.132).  When you clean up the upstream issues and the liver, then the downstream consequences tend to go away.


Nichols, Trent W., and Faass, Nancy.  (1999).  Optimal Digestion.   New York: Avon     Books, Inc.

Quality Of The Nutritional Supplements:

There are a multitude of allopathic and naturopathic doctors practicing  Nutritional Medicine today, and they recommend supporting better digestion, better nutrition, and better protection against oxidative stress.  However, when it comes to supplements, most Nutritional Medicine doctors recommend standard man-made supplements in their isolated, single, separated or chemically-manufactured form, such as zinc, copper, vitamins B, C, E and beta carotene, to reverse degenerative conditions.
However, there are better alternatives than man-made supplements; i.e. organic whole food supplements.  Whole food supplements are far superior in their quality and effectiveness for reversing degenerative processes in the human body because they are produced in their natural and complex configuration. 

Why whole food products work better is based on the philosophy that the human body is a marvelously designed living organism with the ability to grow, regulate, repair, and defend itself when given natural, high quality, full spectrum nutrients. 

If your goal is to promote good health for yourself especially for your skin, may I recommend that you address these body functions with the following wholefood supplements:

1.    Better digestion and assimilation of foods through the use of probiotics and enzyme supplements. 
2.    Better nutrition through food based supplements (consuming nutrient rich foods such as wheat grass, bee pollen, blue green algae...etc.).
3.    Better protection against free radical damage (oxidative stress) through whole food supplements (wheat sprouts, red algae, wheat grass..etc.).

With the use of whole food supplements you can improve the GI tract environment, decrease the burden of the toxins and thereby take the stress off the liver.  With less toxins there is less need for a constant high level defense effort and everything in the body just starts to work better. 

Through this article you have learned about our very effective health model and how the supplements I recommend end up supporting the health of your body’s defense systems leading to healthy skin. 
(prepared by Donia Alawi)

After performing over 20,000 colon surgeries, Dr. Kellogg said he never did see a normal healthy American colon 
He maintained that 90% of disease is due to improper functioning of the colon
Common sense tells us that if we retain the contents of our colon the result will be disfigurement and disease of the colon.  Since newly formed cancer cells escape destruction by the immune system due to the effects of auto-intoxication, we are literally poisoning ourselves into illness when the bowel evacuation is deficient.


2) Liver regeneration and the Gerson Therapy
The liver is the most important organ in the body. It is the filtration system for detoxification. I have heard doctors say that if your liver functions up to 35%, you are all right (so to speak - obviously, 35% is a really low function), but when it drops below that, disease develops, whether it is diabetes, cancer, arthritis, lupus or anything else. By the time cancer or chronic disease develops, liver function is below 35%.

So when the tumor, the cancer, arthritis or other disease symptoms are gone, that doesn't mean the body is cured. The body isn't really restored until the liver goes back to its full activity of somewhere between 90 and 100%. We never really know how long it takes to get there, but we can estimate it takes at least 1 1/2 year or 2. If you go back to eating average food right away, the foods you used to eat, candies, ice cream, cheese and meat, the cancer will come back rather quickly because the liver is not able to deal with these things.

 (p.s. the Source information focuses on specific diseases while it talks generally about the degenerative diseases. It does not mention eczema, yet we must know by now that eczema cause is the same as in all of those diseases and as such it falls in this group of chronic degenerative diseases.)

Another Source Dr Robbins speaks about cause of degenerative diseases, nutrition and liver function. The liver function is described in subtitle "The Disease Process"

3) How Digestion Problems Can Cause Illness 
Anywhere in the Body
Date updated: June 13, 2007
By Jeffry Anderson, M.D.
Content provided by Revolution Health Group

Thereʼs an ancient saying in India: “Constipation is the mother of all ills.” 

Now modern research has affirmed this statement by proving that problems in the digestive tract can affect the entire body. What we know today is that the same toxins associated with gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction are frequently absorbed and distributed to other parts of the body. First they place a burden on the live and the immune system; if overload occurs, some will will be passed on to other organs or tissues. Often itʼs the weak link in the system — the organ or tissue in the body that is most vulnerable — that will be hit by damage. This vulnerability may be inherited or caused by toxic exposure, physical injury or poor diet. If the sensitive system is the lungs, for example, toxins that originate in the gut and circulate in the bloodstream can manifest as asthma or allergies. Sooner or later, this toxic overload comes to the attention of the immune system, either leading to allergies or inflammation and the associated pain and swelling, or some type of infection. The result is a domino effect.

“Upstream” activities in the GI tract and liver:
Envision your body as a complete ecosystem with toxic wastes that must be processed to restore its pristine state. Imagine the liver as a toxic-waste disposal plant. It clears toxins by breaking them down, decreasing their toxicity, linking them to transport molecules, and dispatching them out in urine and stool. If we begin having problems with toxic overload in the liver, itʼs essential to look at what is going on “upstream” — at the factors creating problems for the liver. The first question: Are excessive amounts of toxins being created in the gut? The gut is the starting place for major toxicity in the body because much of what goes through the gut is absorbed, whether by design, accident or pathology. This includes:
- byproducts of poorly digested food or chronic constipation (such as ammonia)
- toxins produced by overgrowth of yeast, bacteria or invasive parasites (endotoxins such as alcohols  and aldehydes)
- chemical pollutants, pesticides and heavy metals in our food and water
Leaky gut syndrome can cause the absorption of this material, all of it potentially harmful and intended for disposal by the body. The byproducts of these gut malfunctions are then passed on directly through the major blood vessels into the liver portal system. The result can be health consequences from the overload on the liverʼs detox mechanisms, and toxic spillover can occur throughout the body.

“Downstream” effects of toxic overload
A bottleneck effect can occur if the liver is overburdened because of chronic or persistent toxicity beyond its detoxification capacity. The liver detox machinery may become stressed and compromised. Itʼs trying to do its job, but the process may be creating even more free radicals and even more toxic intermediate chemicals.
This can lead to increased oxidative stress, impaired carbohydrate metabolism and increased immune activity and inflammation, among other problems. 
In terms of the effects on cells and tissues, the body needs to remove these toxins from circulation — and if it canʼt excrete them, it will store them. Chemicals and pesticides will typically be stored in fat, while heavy metals will be stored in protein tissue — in muscles, bones, cartilage and organ tissue such as the brain and the liver. Eventually some of these toxins are rereleased and travel to the liver, which has to cope with them all over again. The liver either detoxifies them or re-circulates them, which can cause even more damage as they move through the system and then get re-deposited. The increasing accumulation of toxins can cause extensive cellular damage.

10 possible symptoms to watch out for
Digestive overload can manifest in any number of ways throughout the body, including:

1) widespread chronic fatigue or weakness from compromised energy production
2) a compromised immune system, which results in less resistance to infection,
3) autoimmune disorders,  allergies, sensitivities, colds and flu, bronchitis, sinus infections and
4) chemical sensitivity problems in the muscles and joints from aches and swelling to pain or
5) arthritis, skin disorders, including acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and urticaria,
6) consequences to the central nervous system and brain function: mild problems including difficulty with concentration and memory, coordination, headaches or migraines, attention deficit disorder, and
7) in severe cases, symptoms that resemble autism
8) circulation of chemical toxins, causing more serious neurological symptoms ranging from seizure disorders to damage of the nervous system,
9) decrease in hormone production caused by toxins in the body liver damage, with compromised detox functions, possible hypoglycemia and mood swings
10) Specific conditions such as arthritis, asthma or allergies that can result from the constant circulation of toxins (This can be due to toxins that compromise the immune system, causing inflammation or aggravating existing conditions. The toxins stimulate the release of an immune response with biochemicals that can set in motion a full-blown reaction.)

By Jeffry Anderson, M.D. in Optimal Digestive Health: A Complete Guide. Edited by Trent W.
Nichols, M.D., and Nancy Faass, M.S.W., M.P.H., Healing Arts Press, a division of Inner
Traditions International, Rochester, Vt. 05767. Copyright 2005 by Nancy Faass and Trent
Nichols, M.D.,

4) Potential Consequences of Poor Digestion
Date updated: June 13, 2007
By Jerry Stine
Content provided by Revolution Health Group

a. Allergies and food Sensitivities 

When your digestion system isnʼt working properly, gut permeability can increase, causing unprocessed substances to be passed on to the liver. This means that the liver has to process undigested foods, bacteria, toxic chemicals or whatever happens to be in the gut. As a result, the system can become overwhelmed and release these substances directly into the bloodstream. When this toxic material begins to circulate in the body, the immune system may be
triggered, producing allergic responses to foods or other material released from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The food or substance causing the reactions may be relatively innocent — it is actually the overactive response of the immune system that causes the damage. This dynamic can have a number of causes and result in a wide range of symptoms.
b. Innocent foods and toxic effects 

Another problem associated with an overloaded liver is direct damage to the bodyʼs tissues caused by the toxic effects of chemicals in food or digestive debris. For example, certain elements in milk or wheat can have toxic effects on the nervous or immune system; specific sensitivities to proteins in wheat have even been implicated in certain forms of schizophrenia.
c. Autoimmune disorders  

Constant overstimulation of the immune system can also lead to an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakes the tissues of the body for an invader. As a result, the white blood cells and T cells may actually attack the body rather than the invasive bacteria or offending substance. This can be a cause of chronic conditions such as asthma, lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. With the development of chronic illness, an even greater toxic burden is placed on the liver. Under this increased stress, the liver may no longer be able to perform competently, setting the stage for a whole new arena of possible problems.
d. Inflammation 

Inflammation is a normal consequence of our immune response. Yet if the immune system is continually on hyper-alert, inflammation can become chronic. This is often a feature of digestive disorders and can be caused by a range of stressors including leaky gut and allergies. If inflammation continues in the long term, changes in the tissue can occur, degrading resilience and function. Over decades more serious tissue damage can occur, leading to conditions such as
accelerated aging, diabetes and cancer.
e. Challenges to the immune system: 

Free radicals The chronic overwork of the liverʼs detoxification mechanisms, caused by hyper permeability, sets in motion a series of stresses. The first of these is the increased production of toxic byproducts called free radicals, which have been identified as a major cause of cancer. The assault of free radicals, also referred to as oxidative stress, further over-stimulates the liver, causing it to send out signals that can confuse the immune system. These signals may trigger inappropriate reactions in both the immune and neurological systems and cause inflammation. Increased stress on the liver can be caused by even minor but frequent GI complaints such as chronic
constipation or an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast. This continual stress may ultimately compromise the liverʼs detoxification capacity. At the same time, free radicals with the potential to cause cellular damage could be generated in excessive amounts. Their effects are experienced throughout the body in cell membranes, connective tissue and genetic material. This oxidative stress can lead to serious chronic illnesses such as Alzheimerʼs disease, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Parkinsonʼs disease.
Oxidative stress from free radicals can also cause problems by depleting essential nutrients. This can short-circuit immune function, the activity of the nervous system, and the production of hormones. Over decades, these compromises can develop into conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Free radicals have also been identified as a primary cause of aging.
f. Yeast and parasites  

When the delicate balance in the GI tract is lost, an overgrowth of yeast can occur, particularly Candida albicans, an undesirable species of yeast that is normally found in the gut in small numbers even when we are healthy. However, when candida develops too large a population, it can overwhelm beneficial bacteria like weeds taking over a garden. An overgrowth can be caused by certain bacteria or microbes in the gut and can cause illness or trigger symptoms anywhere
in the body. Microscopic parasites are another cause of digestive disorders that are often overlooked and a growing public health problem. They are now considered one of the important causes in some cases of chronic fatigue, arthritis, neurological problems and immune suppression.

By Jerry Stine in Optimal Digestive Health: A Complete Guide. Edited by Trent W.
Nichols, M.D., and Nancy Faass, M.S.W., M.P.H., Healing Arts Press, a division of Inner
Traditions International, Rochester, Vt. 05767. Copyright 2005 by Nancy Faass and Trent
Nichols, M.D.,

5) Digestive Enzymes
Enzymes are complex proteins that stimulate chemical changes or reactions in other substances. Enzymes are a very important catalyst in our bodies, and they do so many important functions. 

There are three types of enzymes: digestive enzymes, food enzymes and metabolic enzymes. 
A) First and most important, digestive enzymes help us to digest, assimilate, utilize and eliminate our food by breaking the food down into a liquid called bile so that we can absorb nutrients in our small intestine. An experiment I do when teaching classes on nutrition is to take 2 bowls and 2 packages of instant oatmeal. In one bowl, put just the oatmeal and water, and in the other bowl, but the oatmeal, water and a capsule or two of enzymes. Within one hour, the bowl with the enzymes in it has turned into a thin liquid, because the enzymes break down the oatmeal flakes.  This illustrates how enzymes work to break down our food for us. 
Enzymes also help to pull toxins out of our bodies, they help to repair tissue, and build new cells, and they also help to prevent buildup of calcium in our bodies, such as gall stones and kidney stones. 

B) Food enzymes are present naturally in raw foods.  When you ‘snap’ broccoli, you are hearing the enzymes holding onto the nutrients or molecules in the broccoli.  When you cook the broccoli “to death” – it kills the enzymes.  When you let the broccoli sit in your refrigerator for 3 weeks, it starts to get flimsy and no longer has its snap.  That is because the enzymes are now dead or dying off.  The more food is commercially processed, the fewer enzymes it has in it.

We are all born with a ‘bank account’ full of enzymes.  Every time we eat raw foods, we put enzymes in our bank account. Every time we eat ‘dead’ food, or food with no enzymes (cooked, processed), we must pull enzymes out of our bank account to help us digest the food. Once we get to 30-35 years old, our bodies are often depleted of enzymes – our bank accounts are empty! Unfortunately I am seeing this age drop more and more every month with my customers. People do not eat enough enzymes.
You may have heard of ‘raw food’ or ‘living food’ diets.  This is a diet where people only eat live or raw food that contains enzymes. The idea is that if the food doesn’t have enzymes it is considered dead. Live food has a completely different frequency than dead food. It is actually alive, thereby feeding the person with food that is moving in a positive energy.

So let’s say we eat a carrot.  We have enough enzymes to digest the carrot and a little bit left over to put in our bank account. But then let’s say we eat a roll.  There are no enzymes in the roll. So if we don’t have enough enzymes, what happens?  Our pancreas produces enzymes, our liver produces enzymes and our stomach produces enzymes.  But if our bank account is empty, where can our body get enzymes?  Our bodies then go to our bones to get enzymes – as our body uses enzymes to hold calcium in our bones.  So now our body says – digestion is much more important than holding the body up.  So now we end up with calcium out of solution from our bones, which causes osteoporosis.
Now the good news is you can start to eat more raw foods to get more enzymes in your body. Also you can purchase food enzymes to help replenish your bank account.  When purchasing enzymes, you should look for words that end in the suffix –ase.  Some popular enzymes are: Protease, Amylase, Glucoamalyse, Lipase, Cellulase, Invertase, and so on. 

Enzymes in bottles do not have a life span per se, but can die if they are boiled or heated. For example, if you have a high fever, this can also affect your enzymes as it may kill some of them.  If I had a bottle of enzymes that was 10 years old, I would probably toss it, but if it was a couple of years old, I would probably still use it if it has been kept in a cool dark place. 

Another important fact to know is that all enzymes are not the same. Some enzymes help to digest proteins, others carbohydrates, some digest fats, and some help digest milk products. For example, Lipase is the enzyme that our bodies use to digest fat.  If you no longer have a gal bladder,  I highly recommend that you take Lipase on a regular basis to help the liver do the job previous done by the gal bladder. 

Enzymes do so many other important functions in our bodies such as catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions, promote the transfer of a group of one molecule to another and help catalyze the linking together of two molecules.
Enzymes help activate digestion, but also enzymes can help buffer or neutralize acid in our bodies.  They can especially help with over acidic stomachs.  And it is also important to know that enzymes can vary greatly in what pH they are activated in.  It may be best to take your saliva pH, and find the appropriate enzymes that work best with your digestion.  Ask your health professional for some help if you have questions on this.

Some enzymes are sold with Hydrochloric Acid, others without.  Some other popular enzymes are from papaya –simply papaya enzymes, or from pineapples – called bromelain.
C) Finally, metabolic enzymes are those enzymes that the body makes. These enzymes help with detoxification and energy production. They run the body’s systems and are connected to every working organ in the body. Even our spinal disks are composed mostly of enzymes. That is why taking enzymes internally as well as spraying them on topically can help repair disk injuries.



6) Benefits of Probiotics

Hydrocarbons are broken down by probiotic bacteria which means the food is being split into its most basic elements. This allows almost total absorption through the digestive system. In this way probiotics dramatically increase overall nutrition and enhance rapid cellular growth and development.

The intestinal tract is cleaned by probiotics
. They go under the layer of crud on the intestinal walls, attach themselves and dislodge the accumulated decay. This waste is then flushed out naturally.

Probiotics also produce many important enzymes
and increase the availability of vitamins and nutrients, especially Vitamin B, Vitamin K, lactase, fatty acids and calcium.

Another one of the benefits of probiotics is that the bacteria strengthen the immune system. Because of this support to the immune system, they have been used in alleviating allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome and systemic candida.

is quickly relieved by probiotics and the bowel movements become normalized, which means diarrhea is also reduced.

These good bacteria produce specific proteins that act as antigens. The reservoirs of nonspecific antigens are then available for the immune system to use in battling all kinds of different disease conditions.

When probiotics attach themselves to the intestinal walls they produce a mildly acidic environment that slows the growth of disease-causing bacteria. This also helps the immune system because it is freed from some of the work in the intestines and can carry on its work in the rest of the body.

Probiotic bacteria work in symbiosis with tissue and organ cells to metabolize proteins and help eliminate toxic wastes from the body.

Additional benefits of probiotics come from the fact that they stimulate B-Lymphocyte and related anti-body production. They produce huge pools of extra anti-bodies, ready to protect and defend against infection.

Probiotic bacteria produce Lactoferrin as a by-product of their metabolism. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein essential to retrieving iron from foods we eat. Increased Lactoferrin can help relieve iron-assimilation deficiencies.

They help to kill viruses and parasites thus providing benefits of increased health. People taking probiotics have experienced lowered cholesterol. Allergies and skin problems are aided by taking probiotic bacteria. Yeast and fungal infections are prevented, and sometimes eliminated with supplements of probiotics. They also stimulate the body's own production of alpha-interferon, a key regulator of our immune response.

Since probiotics clean the colon, bad breath and body odor are greatly reduced. This is because the lungs and skin will be utilized by the body to help eliminate toxins when the intestinal tract is clogged and functioning poorly.

There are so many benefits to be had! Today we need probiotic supplements because there are so many influences that prevent us from getting the probiotics our bodies need.

Today, at least in the United States, many people eat a horrible diet composed of highly processed foods that are filled with chemicals and simple sugars and carbohydrates. Potato chips and Oreo's are utterly devoid of anything living as are most of the boxed and prepared foods sold in the grocery stores.
Because of the modern agricultural practices, such as the heavy use of pesticides and fertilizers, the soil-based microorganisms are no longer living in the dirt of most farms. We need probiotic supplements to replace what is missing in our food.

What kills probiotics? 

The use of antibiotics (remember the "anti" means "against" biotics) directly kills the all bacteria in our intestinal tract.
Drinking chlorinated water destroys our intestinal flora. The reason we put chlorine in the water is because it is able to kill bacteria and, unfortunately, it gets the good ones along with the bad when we drink it. Chlorine does not evaporate when boiled! Drink filtered water!
The medical treatment of radiation and chemotherapy also destroys our intestinal flora as well as damaging our immune systems. Any course of chemotherapy absolutely must be followed with heavy doses of probiotic supplements.
Farm animals are continuously fed antibiotics to keep diseases down. When people eat them they also are taking in these antibiotics which then harm the beneficial bacteria in their systems.
Many people who are concerned with health use enemas and colonics for detoxification. These practices can wash some of the good bacteria out of their systems along with the bad one. (Ingest probiotics supplements after the colonic.)
Alcoholic beverages tend to harm probiotics by killing them directly, encouraging harmful bacteria and yeast overgrowth.

Unfortunately most people simply do not know that the health they experience right now has a direct connection to the billions of beneficial microorganisms that live in their gastrointestinal tract. These are microorganisms which help the body to break down and absorb foods, produce essential elements, while at the same time helping to clean putrefaction and waste, plus kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeast.

Source: Sacred Mountain Inc